Why Do I Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night?

Dr. Brett Berner
3 min readDec 12, 2021
Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

Waking up at the same time every night may seem like some weird habit, but it isn’t. A pattern is a choice — something like setting an alarm clock. But it is possible to wake simultaneously, even without the aid of an alarm clock.

Waking at the same time every night may result from body functions, such as circadian rhythms (your biological clock), sleep timing, and sleep cycles. These patterns affect our wake time. They also explain why we stir intermittently during sleep.

In this article, we’ll see why you wake at the same time every night.

Sleep timing

If you wake at the same time every day or at the same time in the middle of the night, then it may be because you sleep at the same time every night.

Many people who wake up at the same time every night aren’t aware of it. Why? Well, the truth is that there’s a stage between sleep and wakefulness. So when you are in this state, you may not be fully aware of what’s happening around you.

For instance, you may wake, roll over, and get back to sleep. And if you don’t look at the clock, you may not know that you had been awake.

What usually happens during that short awakening period is that you have a powerful desire to get back to sleep.



Dr. Brett Berner

Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Lutz, FL. Schedule a complimentary consultation: text CONSULT to 813-578-5889 or www.foundationschedule.com