The NFL & CTE — What Can Foundational Correction Do?

Dr. Brett Berner
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Normal brain vs. CTE brain

The NFL season is officially over, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers winning the Super Bowl for the second time in their franchise history. If you’ve followed the league recently, you may know that concussions have been a massive area of concern. The possible progression from concussions to CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) is heated and appeared in the 2015 movie Concussion.

The movie features Will Smith (Dr. Bennet Omalu) as a pathologist who first discovered this debilitating condition. Former players suffer from damaging effects, including dementia, headaches, depression, and much more.

Jim McMahon’s Story of Foundational Correction

Recently, ESPN featured retired Chicago Bear NFL quarterback Jim McMahon in a documentary describing his CTE struggles. Featured in the story was McMahon receiving a non-traditional form of chiropractic care called Foundational Correction.

I couldn’t see very well, I couldn’t talk very well. All I wanted to do was lay down.

The pain had gotten so bad that if I would’ve had a gun, I wouldn’t have been here. — Jim McMahon

Before and After MRI images showing the reduction of built-up CSF.

In the procedure, the doctor uses advanced imaging and technology to restore normal spinal fluid flow by correcting a condition called Atlas Displacement Complex (ADC). The Chicago Tribune published an article about it here.

Within two minutes, it was like the toilet flushed. I could feel this stuff actually leaving my brain.

My eyes clear up, my speech cleared. These doctors keep me from having these bad pains, having these suicidal thoughts, having me function fairly normal while I still can.

Is Foundational Correction the Answer?

Atlas Displacement Complex (ADC)

Keep in mind, Foundational Correction is NOT a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases like CTE as numerous variables contribute to the pathology.

Could this help people like Jim McMahon?

It’s certainly possible, based on recent evidence that confirms shifts in the upper neck can alter the spinal fluid flow.

At Foundation Chiropractic, our focus is to guide the spine back to what is considered normal. In doing so, many of the conditions secondary to Foundational Shifts of the spine will be relieved.

Don’t go through life suffering. Find a Foundational Chiropractor near you that focuses on correcting ADC and have a consultation to see if it could help you or not.

Disclaimer: Dr. Berner does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical diseases or conditions; instead, he analyzes and corrects the structure of his patients with Foundational Correction to improve their overall quality of life. He works with their physicians, who regulate their medications. This blog post is not designed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or any other individual. The information provided in this post or through linkages to other sites is not a substitute for medical or professional care. You should not use the information in place of a visit, consultation, or the advice of your physician or another healthcare provider. Foundation Chiropractic and Dr. Brett Berner are not liable or responsible for any advice, the course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this video or others.



Dr. Brett Berner
Dr. Brett Berner

Written by Dr. Brett Berner

Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Lutz, FL. Schedule a complimentary consultation: text CONSULT to 813-578-5889 or

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