Do Upper Cervical Chiropractors Take X-Rays?

Dr. Brett Berner
6 min readApr 2, 2023

The use of x-rays in chiropractic care is a topic of debate. While spinal x-rays are often considered standard for initial evaluations, many musculoskeletal issues that chiropractors treat are mechanical and do not show up on x-rays. These issues can often be resolved with manipulation or mobilization treatments. It may be more reasonable to first try chiropractic care and only consider x-rays if symptoms persist.

For more complex conditions, initial x-ray analysis may be required.

X-rays as diagnostic tools

Similar to other healthcare providers, chiropractors have a specific approach that they follow to treat their patients. When you visit a chiropractic clinic for an evaluation, the practitioners will typically follow a specific workflow that includes:

  • Subjective observations
  • Objective observations
  • Assessment
  • Planning of treatment

The subjective observation will consist mostly of interview questions; it starts with your complaint plus the reasons that prompted you to seek chiropractic care. The objective observations are part of the physical exam, and the chiropractor may request x-ray imaging as part of this process. Healthcare practitioners cannot advance to the next step, the assessment, until they are satisfied that the sum of the subjective and objective observations can add up to a solid diagnosis.



Dr. Brett Berner

Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Lutz, FL. Schedule a complimentary consultation: text CONSULT to 813-578-5889 or